The Gait Lab
A Step Above The Rest
A Subsidiary of Medical Device Consulting
Our Designs
We have learned an incredible amount of information from our Gait Analysis Technology that we had to change the way we designed assistive devices. The industry standard "braces" are not meeting functional outcomes and have become a significant challenge to the patients that receive them. We changed all of that!
From the ground up, we have designs found no where else.
We test our designs and you will see a functional change in your walking on the our Gait Analysis Technology.
We spend time optimizing those designs during our gait analysis sessions.
We have changed significantly how we analyze walking, how we capture anatomy with our 3D Scanner Technology and how we fabricate or manufacture our designs utilizing 3D Print Technology.

The Gait Balancer
Our signature functional resistance device.

Tilt control for ankle alignment.

Foot orthotic with sensormotor for rearfoot alignment control.

3D Design for ankle alignment control.

Propulsion control for Foot Drop.

Functional resistance to hand flexion contractures.
Linkage Walk
Currently in our Design Lab for final optimization and test trials.
Currently in our Design Lab. This is a Neuro-ExoSkeletal design for paralyzed arms from stroke or injury. This is our first Myo-Control device.
Client Comments
“Thank you Kim, I have signed up for the Cleveland Marathon, I may walk it but I will make it to the finish line! Thank you for giving me an opportunity to get outside to walk and go to the gym and workout with my friends.”
Patient #1, Happy to be walking right!